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So I have officially now expanded my horizons to other countries! I came here to Latvia 3 years ago, for 3 months, to try and shoot some of the local girls, but totally failed... Now I'm back here in Europe for 6 months to really try and shoot some girls. It's taken me some time to find some girls willing to shoot, but it seems that I have found a great group of girls now! Here is beautiful 22 year old Mira! She's local here in Riga, and has done some photos before, but has NEVER worked with an American guy before! This is just the first shoot of her, I'm thinking to start a new site called "EuroCoeds.com" soon... if you guys like this, and the next few videos that I post from here in Europe.

So spending a total of 9 months here in Europe this year... Started out with 3 months in Croatia, couldn't find any girls willing to shoot, but met alot of new people that will probably be able to help me the next time I go there... Now 3 months here in Riga Latvia... and then I will spend 3 months Living and Filming in Amsterdam, before returning back to Nebraska.

This is a bit of an experiment, so please give me some feedback to my email necoeds@gmail.com I would love to hear your thoughts! And don't worry, while I'm here in Europe, I have 2 friends continuing to video local Iowa and Nebraska girls to mix in with these European Updates that I'm filming.

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